Register Seller Account

Account Type

Account Login Information

Primary Contact

Marketing Contact

Company Information


Note: Avid only provides sale and authorization support for 3P Marketplace products, so to ensure a rich customer experience Avid will need to know the necessary support links and contact information in case users have operational questions or issues.

Operational Support Contact Information

Regional Phone Support

Bug Reporting

Email or link
Email or link

Purchase Notifications

Payment Account Information

Payments to sellers for products sold on the Avid Marketplace will be made quarterly. If you choose not to complete this information now, you can add it later when submitting products for sale.

Finance Contact

Banking Details

Tax Forms

The IRS requires all U.S. payers and withholding agents, such as Avid, to obtain certain IRS tax certification forms from all partners that receive a payment or earn income that could be reportable and subject to withholding. Without your proper tax forms, we are generally required to apply presumption rules and withhold taxes on reportable payments at the highest rate set by law.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are certifying your tax residency outside the U.S., a W-8 form is what must be provided to a U.S. payer or withholding agent. You cannot provide a “self-certification form” that is permissible in other countries for similar due diligence requirements. W-8 forms must be signed, and if the you would like to claim tax treaty benefits for the royalty payments from Avid (revenue from downloads are considered royalties) the tax treaty section must be completely filled out and a tax id number provided; otherwise, US tax will be withheld at 30%.
Please contact your tax advisor with questions or if assistance is required with form completion.

Legal Notices

By creating an Avid Master Account you consent to Avid’s use and processing of your personal data in keeping with its Privacy Policy. You further agree to the Avid EULA and Terms and Conditions.